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What is so different about Damon® Smile braces?

July 15th, 2020

Damon Smile braces, with their self-ligating technique, have made the orthodontic treatment process more comfortable and faster than ever before. Damon Smile braces require elastic ties to hold the wires in place, which helps in alleviating pressure while your teeth move into their desired position. Therefore, both treatment time and follow-up visits to Beeler Orthodontics are reduced.

Damon Smile braces often times do not require the extraction of healthy teeth or other techniques to make space in your mouth before treatment begins. Traditional braces often require metal or elastic ties to hold wires together, typically resulting in a feeling of pressure and discomfort among the teeth while they are moving into an ideal position.

Damon Smile uses a technology called self-ligation, a process that eliminates the need for the ties and lessens the feeling of tightness during your treatment with Dr. Joshua Beeler. Plus, Damon Smile braces use shape-memory wires that are able to move the teeth into position faster, ultimately cutting treatment time. Damon Smile braces also diminish the amount of food and debris that can become trapped along the brackets, allowing for more efficient teeth cleaning. Damon Smile braces are also available with clear brackets to lessen the visual impact and give you a more aesthetically pleasing smile during treatment.

Dr. Joshua Beeler and our team at Beeler Orthodontics can meet with you to discuss all aspects of treatment. With this innovative technique, you can take advantage of many of the same benefits of traditional braces only with greater comfort, less self-consciousness, and in less time.

Please give us a call at our Show Low, AZ office for more information on Damon Smile, or to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Joshua Beeler.

Damon® Smile Benefits

July 8th, 2020

Braces have come a long way over the years. In the past, tooth removal was common, palatial expanders were the norm, and headgear and rubber bands were necessary evils to get the desired results. Damon Smile self-ligating braces have made those things distant memories.

Despite the competition from other clear braces and aligners, Damon has a proven track record, and the results of a side-by-side comparison between conventional braces and Damon braces were published in the journal Clinical Impressions.

The Study

The comparative study tracked orthodontic care of 132 patients, six of whom were treated with Damon Smile, and 66 of whom got traditional braces. The study also looked at treatment times (meaning the total length of time the patients wore braces,) the number of appointments they had, the quality of the results, and patient comfort.

The Results

Length of Time Wearing Braces: The researchers found that the patients who wore Damon Smile braces wore them for an average of 7.2 months less than the traditional brace-wearing patients.

Number of Appointments: Damon patients had an average of 47.8 percent fewer appointments.

Time Needed for Leveling and Aligning: Damon patients only needed 3.2 months for leveling and aligning, while traditional brace participants needed six months. That means the Damon participants required 46.7 percent less time.

Comfort Level: Damon wearers experienced 60 percent less discomfort than traditional brace wearers.

Results: Damon results were consistently excellent, with a score of 3.6 on a 4-point scale.

Other Benefits

  • Damon Smile braces use a proprietary technology called self-ligation. That means there is no need for the elastic or metal ties that are part of traditional brace therapy. The absence of any kind of ties means that patients don't have to have their braces tightened.
  • Damon high-tech lightweight memory wires work faster, so patients don't have to wear braces as long as they would with traditional braces. Memory wire technology also reduces the need for frequent adjustments at our Show Low, AZ office.
  • A slide mechanism holds wires in place, but allows for freer tooth movement.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of Damon Smile braces is that, without the ties, patients are far more willing to comply with a more time-consuming oral hygiene regime. More thorough brushing, easier flossing, and less general tension in the mouth mean that better oral hygiene lessens plaque build-up, while helping patients keep their mouths healthier and cavity-free during the time they wear braces.

Greater self-confidence and improved self-esteem have the potential to change lives. And a healthy mouth and an attractive smile can do that! Ask Dr. Joshua Beeler if Damon Smile is right for you!

The Damon® Smile Treatment Process

June 24th, 2020

Damon Smile braces have quickly become one of the most popular orthodontic treatments at our Show Low, AZ office. Offering a more comfortable and hygienic treatment, many patients now prefer this over all other available braces. Unlike traditional braces, Damon Smile does not have wires or brackets. It works with self-ligating braces that actually remove the need for the rubber bands and metal wires that come along with more traditional styles of braces.

What makes Damon Smile different?

The number one reason many patients prefer Damon Smile is because there is the option of getting them in clear! This reduces the problem of being self-conscience and gives the patient a more aesthetically pleasing smile while going through years of treatment. Also, patients who wear Damon Smile versus the traditional braces will have less pain since there are no bands that have to be tightened every month. There is often no need to extract teeth to make extra room in the patient’s mouth.

Oral hygiene can be a real problem for many teens wearing traditional metal braces. However, with the reduction of moisture and no metal brackets to trap food in, your teeth are able to stay cleaner easier.

What is the estimated treatment time?

Since Damon offers a more advanced technology that straightens teeth faster with less pain the treatment time can be drastically reduced. This is another reason Damon is preferred over other types of treatment. The treatment time will vary from patient to patient depending on what your individual goals are, so you need to make an appointment with Dr. Joshua Beeler to get an estimate of what will benefit you the most.

Overall Success

Overall, patients are very happy with Damon Smile. With less irritation, less treatment time, as well as better-looking aesthetics, patients love all of the bonuses that come along with this style of treatment. Call our Show Low, AZ office and set up an appointment today with Dr. Joshua Beeler to find out if this popular option will work for you.

Power Chains

June 17th, 2020

By now, you’re very familiar with the basic building blocks of your braces. Brackets, wires, and ligatures are no mystery to you. But suddenly, you’re hearing a brand new term—“power chains.” What exactly are these power chains, and why does your orthodontist think you need them? Let’s see how power chains are *linked* to your orthodontic treatment.

  • First, why power chains?

They’re not really chains in the necklace or bike chain sense—in fact, they’re only very rarely made with metal. These chains are most often a string of O ring loops just like your elastic ligatures, attached in a row to resemble a chain.

Chain lengths are tailored to your specific needs. Dr. Joshua Beeler will attach each individual loop in the chain around a single bracket, linking selected teeth together. Chains might stretch across a few teeth, several teeth, or your entire upper or lower arch.

  • Second, why power chains?

Because these chains are usually made of the same elastics that your ligatures, or bands, are made from, they want to hold their original shape. They will try to return to that original shape even as they are stretched between your brackets. As they contract, they help move your teeth together. 

Over time, just like an over-stretched rubber band, they lose their elasticity, and won’t work as effectively. That’s why you’ll probably get a new power chain whenever you come in to our Show Low, AZ office for an adjustment.

  • Third, why power chains?

This is the most important question. How can a power chain improve your smile?

Usually, power chains become part of your treatment after the first phase of alignment. They can be used to help align your teeth or correct your bite, but are most often used to close gaps between the teeth.

You might have a gap after a tooth has been extracted. Or, as your teeth move into their new positions, you might suddenly see noticeable spaces between them. Power chains move the teeth closer together to eliminate these gaps, and do it more quickly than brackets and wires alone can do.

  • How long will you need them?

This is something Dr. Joshua Beeler will discuss with you. Whether it’s a matter of weeks or months, your treatment plan is designed to move your teeth into their best positions, and to do it carefully for a lasting, healthy alignment.

  • Power chain options

Depending on the size and spacing of your teeth and your treatment plan, these chains usually take one of three forms: closed/continuous, short, and long. The only difference is the distance between the rings.

We will choose the type of chain that’s best for your treatment. Your contribution is to personalize your power chain. Power chains come in a rainbow of colors, allowing you to mix and match. You can even coordinate with your ligatures if you have ties as well as chains. If your goal is to have your braces blend in, various shades of white, silver, or clear colors are available. Want to mix things up? Choose a different color with every adjustment.

  • Anything else?

You might experience some discomfort for the first few days with a new power chain, just as you might with any adjustment. Dr. Joshua Beeler will have suggestions for making those first days as comfortable as possible.

Also, like brackets and ligatures, power chains can trap food particles, so be sure to follow our instructions for keeping your teeth and your braces their cleanest.

Now that you’re all caught up on what power chains are and what they can do for you, let’s mention one more benefit. This is a process where you can actually see the gaps between your teeth closing over the weeks you wear your power chains. Keep a selfie record of your progress as you create your beautiful, healthy smile. That’s an em*power*ing experience!

Joshua J. Beeler, DDS
1951 S. White Mountain Rd.
Show Low, AZ 85901
(928) 537-7775
Schedule your Complimentary Consultation